The Colombia Supremo coffee bean is a delight you do not want to miss. It’s origin is the Coffee rich region of Columbia. Thus, the taste is nothing compared to none. With a clean finish, fruity and chocolate flavor, one cannot but want a cup of this special coffee bean. More so, the nice aftertaste keeps you longing for more each time you drink a cup of it. Do yourself much good today by drinking a cup of this special Coffee.
If you drink this specially made Coffee, you will understand why it is in high demand. Furthermore, the bright acidity makes it suitable for making other beverages. Hence, you can continue to enjoy the Colombia Supremo coffee bean in so many ways and in different varieties.
Cupping Notes: Caramel, dark chocolate and mild cherry
– Roasted: full medium
– Location: Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia
– Altitude: 1300-1650 masl
– Varietals: Caturra, Typica, Castillo & Colombia
– Process: Washed
– Drying: Sun Dried
– Harvest: September-Janurary
– Export: April-June
More Details on the Colombia Supremo coffee bean
Do you know that Colombia is the 2nd largest country that produces coffee bean in the world? Usually, the Coffee takes the name of the region where it originates from. But, in the case of the Colombia Supremo coffee bean, it takes the name of a grading term. It will interest you to know that this bean has the highest quality of bean in the country. Another thing that is worthy of note is that the Supremo Coffee has the largest size of 17 and 18.
In fact, both the Excelso and Supremo coffee bean come from a single tree. The only thing is that the size is the basis for sorting them into the different grades.
Demand for the Colombia Supremo coffee bean
Like you already may know, the quality of a product influences the demand for such product a great deal. This is the case of the Colombia Supremo coffee bean. The bean is in high demand especially among lovers of Coffee. Although this is true, Colombia produces large quantity of the bean yearly. In fact, statistics has it that the country export more than 12.5 million and consume about 2 million bags annually. Thus, the supply matches the demand to a great extent.
Colombia Supremo coffee bean – The Best Arabica Coffee
Supremo Coffee has a lot of uniqueness. For instance, the Arabica coffee bean is a very popular type which is sought for by ardent coffee bean lovers. But, do you know that Colombia is home to the best of these type of Coffee. It is on records that the country produces the largest quantity of this bean. In fact, the Colombia Supremo coffee bean is 100% Arabica Coffee. Thus, the bean is the finest grade of coffee bean in the country.
Are you tired of drinking just any Coffee? Do you want to experience this beverage at its best? If yes, then, you are at the right place. The Supremo coffee bean is the perfect bean for you and your family. Get some today and you will find yourself always yearning for more.
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